Thursday, September 30, 2010

Explain briefly types of blogging communities & methods to build blogging communities. Then, discuss the structure of one blogging community briefly

Jeremiah Owyang from Web Strategy states that online community is a group of people who shares common interest connect and exchange information (2007). There are different types of online community, such as games, music, profession and of course blog as well. Online community interact online within some bounded set of technologies (White, 2006).

These community can be public or also can be build up between friends or people who share common interest privately, this enables them to interact or share updates only among those who joined. Comment on other people's blog is a start in creating a online community. Nancy White states that RSS, also known as Really SImple Syndication a or feedreaders are one of the way in creating blogging community. This features enable us to discover new blogs and also receive new updates. Tagging or linking between bloggers automatically creates a community between themselves.

Robin Hamman stated 3 types of blog, closed blogs, blogs as conduit of information and Blog as Participation of "The Conversation". He define closed blog as small but very passionate and audience who are loyal to the community they've joined. This community doesn't have the motive to grow and usually people who are member of the community have very strong personal connection. Blogs as conduit of information is define as a "device" that link audience to the information. This type of blog community will have more audience that closed blog and audience are more engaged with the topic. Blogs as Participation of " The Conversation" are the connectors between the audience and the idea (Hamman, 2007). Bloggers in this community focus on comments and links tagged by others, using feed tools such as RSS to keep themselves updated.

References  :

  • White, N 2006, Blogs and Community - launching a new paradigm for online community, online, retrieved on 30th September 2010, from–-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community
  • Owyang, J 2007, Defining the term: "Online Community", online, retrieved on 30th September 2010, from
  • Hamman, R 2007, 3 types of blog: closed, conduit and participant in the conversation, online, retrieved on 30th September 2010, from

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