Bloggers nowadays, due to freedom of speech as one of their rights, they are blogging more than ever. Blogosphere in this 21st century is strong (MeLean, 2009). McLean also states that influence of blog are ranging from business to politics (2009). Politicians grab the citizen's attention and votes through blogging instead of having a proper speech. The information travels more efficient and faster through blogs instead of hardcopies readings. In Malaysia, blogging rank highest between the other large country such as Europe. In 2008, there are more than 500,000 active blogger in Malaysia (The Star, 2008). This shows how much blogs can influence Malaysia's citizens thinking (Hassan, 2008).
Different country have different kind of styles or particular trends that blogger post on their blogs. In a report done by Technorati, in Europe country, out of 53% from their surveyors answer that blogger express and share their personal experience through blogs. While the remaining surveyors are more towards political aspect and issues. In Malaysia, one of Universiti Malaya's lecturer, Dr. Abu Hassan Hasbullah states that almost all Malaysian bloggers post about Malaysia's politics as it has been a very "hot" topic in Malaysia.
In Malaysia, blogging has make a very big impact on politics, election, politician reputation and the citizens decision on the country's ruler. As stated earlier in the post, Malaysia have the highest number of bloggers in the world, Dr. Abu from University Malaya has also states that with the number of bloggers in Malaysia, it shows the power of blogging in Malaysia and influencing the citizens mind, especially in politics (The Star, 2008).
With the amount of people blogging, it have become a powerful tool journalist and activists to influence the mind. In Iran, this powerful tool have created a protest of presidential election in Iran (Sussman, 2009).
References :
- Gurak L, Antonijevic S, Johnson L, Ratliff C & Reyman J 2005, Introduction: Weblogs, Rhetoric, Community, and Culture, online, retrieved on 29th September 2010, from
- 'Blogging in Malaysia ranks among highest in the world', The Star, April 3rd
- McLean, J 2009, State of Blogosphere 2009: Introduction, online, retrieved on 29th September 2010, from
- Sussman, M 2009, Day 5: Twitter, Global Impact and the Future Of Blogging. SOTB 2009, online, retrieved on 29th September 2010, from
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