Sunday, November 14, 2010


In this 3 months, I've been in touch with words such as social network, censorship, layout, design, blogs, inter-racial culture and much more. Issues in Publication and Design has expose me into the world of World Wide Web.

At first, I thought blogging is something where everyone are capable of doing it. But this few blog post proved me wrong. In order post something with supported facts, I've go through uncountable reliable and un-reliable website in the internet to search for information I need.

I've done a lot of research other than the reading provided by tutor during the process of posting different issues. These research have made me learnt more than what I should know. The process of finishing this subject - Issues in Publication and Design have been rough. I wouldn't make it through all the assignments without guidance from my tutor, Ms Jenny Heng. I thank you Ms Jenny for your patience and kindness way of teaching, thank you for being a committed lecturer.

My road of Issues in Publication and Design ends here.

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