Thursday, September 30, 2010

New forms of media publishing

New media is the combination of video, multimedia on the web and email into a powerful communicating force (Rossiter, Tayler & Stanley, 2010). People are able to interact, send or receiver message through the new media such as CD-ROM, USB Flash Drive, video (CD, Web or DVD), or E-mail. Rossiter & co (2010) states that its a new gateway that connects customers and the public that enables them to knowing the company or person in-depth in just one click. Chu & See Tho (2010) states that the new media has been very helpful in the business field. It helps to narrow down potential business possibilities, hunting down potential customers and it also enable to test a company's idea and troubleshoot the problems through comments given by the audience.

There are a lot of benefits from the new media compared to the the old media. In this new media centuries, people no longer willing to fork out 1 ringgit to buy the newspaper, instead they go online and look for the news. There are a lot of benefits comparing to the old media. Rossiters & co (2010) gave a few examples how the new media altered the old media. The new media gives audience a high impact, it gives interactive experience to the audience through the use of spoken words, animation, graphics and video. Audience or readers are given the freedom of choice in the new media, they are able to browse around the internet instead of just reading one news from one particular source. Audience are able to receive information wherever they want, the availability of new media is high due to the aid of technologies. Phones, iPad, laptop makes the news travels way faster than the old media. The new media sends out information more effective than the old media with the aid of pictures and sounds, it is proven that both pictures and sound enable people to understand easier and faster. Lastly, the amount of news provided, old media such as newspaper have limited space for journalist to write about, but internet have unlimited space to cover a story, therefore the news in the new media are more specified and detailed.

After Malaysia's last election, Barisan National have lost two-third of the majority in the parliament. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2008) states that it was a serious misjudgement for his party to rely fully on government controlled newspaper and television to attract voters. Kalinga Seneviratne from (2008) states that traditional Malaysia news source such as The Star, New Strait Times, China Daily Press, Sin Chew Jit Poh is owned by government related company, this creates biasness in the news produced. The poor reputation that Malaysia’s newspapers have, as mouthpieces of coalition parties, has worked against them, and in favor of alternative media (Seneviratne, 2008). 

References  :

  • Chu, TM & See Tho, CS 2010, The Internet, Market Research And Investment Decisions, online, retrieved on 30th September 2010, from
  • Rossiter, L, Rossiter, K, Tayler, A & Stanley, P 2010, What is New Media?, online, retrieved on 30th September 2010, from
  • Rossiter, L, Rossiter, K, Tayler, A & Stanley, P 2010, The Benefits of New Media, online, retrieved on 30th September 2010, from
  • Kaufman, S 2008, Malaysia's Alternative Media Become, Decisive Political Factor, online, retrieved on 30th September 2010, from

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